Elevation: 1000 MASL
Variety: Catuai
Processing: Red Honey
Roast: Light
Producers: Mr Pavan Nanjappa
Tasting notes: Mango, Hibiscus and Butterscotch
We along with so many others have swooned for two seasons over the incredible Yellow Honey that Pavan produces every year. This year, the team at the Venkids Valley Estate decided to take their Catuai a step further, from a Yellow Honey process to a Red Honey process and take our word for it, this is an exceptional coffee. With the new process, the coffee has become slightly sweeter with more intense flavours and a richer mouthfeel.
We have roasted this pretty lightly to let the coffee, and the process really shine through and take the centre stage. With sweet notes of Mango, rich butterscotch and delicate hints of Hibiscus this coffee makes an incredible filter coffee that we're sure you'll absolutely enjoy!