Kid Dynamite - Dark Roast

 Elevation: 3300 ft. – 4500ft.
Varietal: Arabica S795, Robusta C x R
Planters: Sharan Gowda, and Vinay Venugopal
Processing: Washed Arabica and Naturals Robusta
Roast: Dark
This blend features the lovely washed arabica from the Salawara Estate, and the natural processed robusta from the Kottaram Estate in Wayanad, Kerala. This is the first time we've purchased coffee from Kerala, and thanks the incredible work and efforts done by Vinay, his family and his team at the estate, we were blown away by the flavour profile of the robusta naturals. Thanks to the super chocolate and sweet notes of the Rubusta we were able to roast this a bit a darker than usual, and still not get off and bitter notes in the cup.
Kid Dynamite is a perfect for those who like a punch in their coffees, and it goes really well with milk based beverages, be it through espresso or through a south Indian Filter.